Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Thoughts on candidates.

The recruitment market has come back at least in part this year after the doldrums of 2009. Whilst some companies still report difficulties commercially; and are either down sizing or not recruiting; others are growing again.

But what is going on with candidates?

We have a very different view of the world from different parts of the candidate pool.

Many are still staying put with the view that they are better off where they are, perhaps with some security of tenure under employment law.

Those without work are actively seeking a new role and some very good people are available. In a normal recruitment market they would have been snapped up quickly; but anyone who had the misfortune to have lost their role in late 2008 / early 2009 when there were precious few vacancies out there could now be dealing with the stigma of long term unemployment.

It is interesting to see how people have reacted to this. Some have been very pro-active and even entrepreneurial. I spoke recently with someone (with a previous strong sales track record) who has developed new income streams by taking in students, collecting money for finance companies, bar work, cleaning and then training to be a driving instructor - all in an attempt to minimise the drain on savings and pay those monthly bills.

Personally I think any employer who may consider this person for a job should appreciate the fact that they have been pro-active and not let the recession get them down. Isn't a pro-active and entrepreneurial salesperson just the right type to tough it out in the uncertain times ahead?

As the market picks up then with a bit of luck this person (and those like her as she is not alone) can get back into their preferred profession - that of selling to specifiers in the building trade.

A final thought - if you had the misfortune to lose your job in the depths of the worst recession in a lifetime - what would you have done?

How would you have coped?

How would you feel if now an employer was saying that they wouldn't consider you because you were "out of the swim?"

Wouldn't you be prepared to work your little butt off if someone gave you a break?

Monday, January 4, 2010

What are the implcations for the recruitment and retention of staff as we start the new decade?

In the last couple of months of 2009 I contacted several hundred decision makers in the Interiors and building products sectors to see how they had found 2009, and what their plans were for 2010. Although this was initially an internal exercise it became apparent that there were some clear trends emerging and a consensus developing around what the implications are for organisations competing as we (hopefully!) emerge from this tough recession!

I also got in touch with David Smith (Economics Editor for the Sunday Times) to ask his opinion on the prospects for our market. His answer is contained in the report that I have compiled for you.

If you would like a copy of this report just let me know by either calling on 01295 720365 or emailing me on jerrywood@beaumontwood.com

Good luck for this year!
