Friday, September 18, 2009

Brave new world!

Some ideas reflecting the way in which the whole interiors market has changed in the last year with major implications for the recruitment, motivation and management of staff.

For the past 10 years I have offered recruitment services to the Interiors market. Demand for good people has always exceeded supply – until now. It was possible to make recruitment mistakes and “get away with it” – until now.

In the “brave new world” facing us all I have thought about how we can best support our clients and conclude the following:

1. When the time comes to recruit there will be better people available (at possibly lower salaries) than hitherto. However many good people are staying put rather than move in these uncertain times. The market dynamics have thus shifted. This needs thought as to how and where to secure the best available talent.

2. Many organisations are focussing hard on productivity right now and (in the nicest possible way!) making the most of the personnel they currently have. There are ways to improve performance for a modest outlay with terrific return on investment. I can explain why some staff perform beyond expectations and some disappoint.

3. There are rapidly growing ways to “do business”. Social networks are coming of age and will be a key part of all aspects of business from prospecting, working with existing customers right through to sourcing new staff.

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